Mission Strategy Group's expertise is helping organizational leaders look over-the-horizon to achieve lasting change, often times the most difficult challenges an organization faces.
Mission Strategy Group develops and supports governmental organizations, school board trustees and superintendents who think big, adapt quickly, and can translate atmospherics and strategy into action. We provide effective and evidence based training to achieve greater student success.
Equity for California's Earliest Learners: Assembly Bill 2806
On September 30, 2022 Governor Gavin Newsom signed monumental legislation- Assembly Bill (AB) 2806 into law which will prohibit suspensions and expulsions in early learning and care programs.
AB 2806 defines suspension and expulsion in preschool and childcare settings, eliminates exclusionary practices, and provides that suspension and expulsion only be used as a last resort in extraordinary circumstances where there are serious and validated safety concerns. The bill also provides early learning and care providers with early childhood mental health consultation services that help create inclusive and anti-bias environments, interactions, and experiences that buffer the effects of trauma and bring out the most optimal development of each unique child.
“We know that inequitable access to, and exclusion from, developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically relevant, trauma-informed, anti-racist and inclusive environments for children in early learning and care programs significantly contributes to discriminatory and racist practices,” said Khieem Jackson, Co-Founder of Black Men For Educational Equity and sponsor of the bill. “The school readiness gap, the academic achievement gap and the graduation gap contributes to the school to prison pipeline. This bill is a step in the correct direction to address harsh and racist disciplinary actions against students of color.”
Leadership in Complex Environments:
As Deputy Director for Headquarters of the Marine Corps Office of Legislative Affairs we directly supporting global engagement with the United States House Democracy Partnership, a legislative strengthening commission, the commission launched nearly 17 programs throughout the developing world, including partnerships with the national parliaments in Kenya, Liberia, Haiti, Colombia, and Afghanistan.
Using these proven capacity building skills and techniques, we work Internationally and throughout the Unites States with school district board of trustee members and superintendents to strengthen community engagement, co-create a visions for student success, and provide flexible processes for professional development to assist districts to execute on strategy.
Mission Strategy Group has over 13 years of direct legislative experience helping organizations make decisions using data, expertise and experience consistent with partnership building and strategic plans in oder to meet operational and budgetary needs. We have facilitated California's second largest school district's executive leadership team to develop a keen understanding of key decision maker interests, personalities and political positions while recognizing the subtle nuances of sensitive issues. This created the optimal environment to secure increased and ongoing resources to effectively enable student and educator success for priority areas such:
McKinney-Vento Act funding (Sec 152), deferred maintenance & school capitol projects, electric school bus transportation procurement, increased Career Technical Education Incentive Grants, sustained Federal Impact Aid, fiscal resources for newcomer and refugee students, and
providing material humanitarian assistance to school children Haiti.
Phone: 951-472-3537
Email: kjackson@missionstrategygroup.com